

Deep Tissue Massage

We use specifically shaped stones, each doing different jobs from warming up the muscles, scanning the muscles, stones for deep tissue massage and stones for tapping (sending vibrations through the muscle, tendons and ligaments) to break up scar tissue. We also use intricate thin stones which can get to places where fingers can’t get.

Sometimes, cold stones are also used during a deep tissue massage. Cold stones may be used after hot stones to calm any engorged blood vessels and to soothe the skin. Heat relaxes your body in a short space of time, so your therapist can focus on a deep working of the tissues using both hot stones and hand strokes.

Deep Tissue Massage can benefit anyone with:

Muscle pain, Tendonitis, Arthritis, Headache, Sinusitis, Stress, Anxiety, Neck stiffness, Whiplash, Frozen shoulder, Chest pain, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis/Golfers elbow, Wrist pain, Back pain, Sciatica, Hip pain, knee pain, Achilles tendonitis, Shin splints, Foot pain, Heal pain, Plantar fasciitis, Sports injuries, Cramps, General stiffness.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic massage treatment. The massage uses very light pressure and long, gentle, rhythmic strokes to increase the flow of lymph and reduce toxins in your body. The lymph system is part of your body's immune system and helps fight infection.

Lymphatic drainage can:

reduce the chance of you suffering from minor colds and viruses; it helps your body fight off infection, and speeds up healing and recovery from illness; help reduce water retention; for instance, because the lymph system has no pump, if you sit for a long time without moving, the lymph can’t flow easily — this is why you may experience swollen feet or fingers

boost weight loss, as improving the lymphatic system will improve your metabolic rate, which helps you burn calories more efficiently.

Manual lymphatic drainage is also used in the treatment of lymphoedema.

Lymphatic drainage massage can improve your skin texture by:

reducing swelling, puffiness and blotches giving you clean, healthy pores speeding up healing in scar tissue, so it may, for example, improve the appearance of stretch marks helping to reduce cellulite; the massage increases blood flow and circulation to the affected areas, which helps the body break down the toxins which cause dimply skin.

Hot Stone Massage

A hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy. It’s used to help you relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissues throughout your body. During a hot stone massage, smooth, flat, heated stones are placed on specific parts of your body. The stones may be placed:

· along your spine

· on your stomach

· on your chest

· on your face

· on your palms

· on your feet and toes

Hot stone massage combines relaxing warmth and refreshing coolness to encourage the body to detox and heal. This also increases lymph flow and helps to flush out waste. Heat relaxes your body in a short space of time, so your therapist can focus on a deep working of the tissues using both hot stones and hand strokes. Hot stones also increase your sense of relaxation and calm. They are coated in fragrant oil which is smoothed gently onto your body, and each stone in turn is worked by your therapist's hands.

Hot stone massage can:

· boost your circulation

· release stored tension

· recharge your energy levels

· relax you

Hot stone massage is said to have health benefits for people with:

· muscular pain

· poor circulation

· rheumatic and arthritic conditions

· fibromyalgia

· back pain

· stress

· insomnia

· depression.

As with all massage therapies, never underestimate the feel-good factor. Hot stone massage will help you feel nurtured, pampered and special.

Pregnancy Massage

Studies indicate that massage therapy performed during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labour outcomes and newborn health.

Treatments can be given seated, semi-inclined or with a bump cushion to enable you to lie on your front. Lots of cushions are given for comfort.

                    Eastern Facial Acupressure Massage

Every body has 14 energy lines running through it from the soles of the feet, the palms of the hands up to the face and top of the head and over 360 acupressure points along these meridians. In Japan these points are known as Tsubos. The application of pressure to these points can release blocked and stagnant energy and encourage the flow of vital positive energy, which have a positive and health giving effect on all the organs of the body and a general feeling of well being.

The East has a strong tradition of using facial massage, using techniques of rubbing, stretching, stroking and pumping to help improve the complexion. These techniques help remove toxins and drain excess lymph from the face and by literally smoothing out and pumping up of wrinkles. The West is only now coming to realise the benefits of these types of massages for the body.

The fingers are used to work the acupressure points on the face and neck to encourage the flow of positive energy.



Applying pressure to these energy points can release blocked energy, allowing positive energy to flow throughout the body, which increases the health and well being within and without the body.

The corresponding points are stimulated to encourage the body to heal itself. Each pressure point on the ear triggers an electrical impulse from the ear to the brain and then to the specific area of the body being treated. For example, a treatment for smoking cessation would likely include the ear points that relate to the lung, sympathetic nervous system and the mouth.

                       Thai Foot Massage

Thai Foot Massage is a massage of the feet and also lower legs. Thai foot massage is both invigorating and deeply relaxing and involves hands on massage, stretching and acupressure to stimulate reflex points. It has elements of Shiatsu, Reflexology, and Chinese massage, incorporated into the treatment. Traditional Thai Foot Massage.

This wonderfully enjoyable foot massage dates back more than two thousand years, originating in China, and is seen all over Thailand today. Treatment includes working on 'Sen' lines, which are from the Ayurvedic tradition and are the equivalent to the meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The techniques of Thai Foot Massage are thought to stimulate and open these energy channels, leaving you feeling relaxed, balanced and invigorated. 

What are the benefits of a Thai Foot Massage?

•Stress relief

•Reduced stiffness and improved flexibility

•Clarity of mind

•Accelerated physical healing

•Improved sleep

•Improved circulation and toxin removal

•Stimulated lymphatic drainage and immune system boost

                                Indian Head Massage

Indian head massage is based on the ayurvedic system of healing which has been practiced in India for over a thousand years. The aim of Indian head massage is to release the stress that has accumulated in the tissues, muscles and joints of the head, face, neck and shoulders. It is a wonderful therapy that promotes relaxation and wellbeing.

What are the benefits?

Indian head massage is especially good for relieving stress, tension, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, migraine and sinusitis. Clients report that the experience is deeply calming and relaxing, leaving them feeling energised and revitalised and better able to concentrate.

Indian head massage helps increase joint mobility and flexibility in the neck and shoulders, improves blood circulation and lymphatic flow, frees knots of muscular tension, relaxes connective tissue, and aids in the elimination of accumulated toxins and waste products. It is particularly good for reducing the effects of stress and tension.

                        Tibetan Hand and Arm Massage

Tibetan Hand and Arm Massage is a gentle but firm massage to the hands and arms, it can often bring immediate relief from tension in these areas.

Hand massages are especially appreciated by people who use their hands often for activities like word processing, repetitive tasks, hobbies such as knitting, playing tennis or weight lifting, or for more heavy usage such as mechanical or physical labour.

Any condition that creates an energy blockage in the head, shoulders or upper spine responds very well to hand massage. It’s also useful to ‘open up’ a client and help them move, on if they are very stuck and grounded in a physical sense.

Physical conditions can block emotional and spiritual growth, which is where the link between the hands and the subtler energy of the body is helpful. Hands are more personal than feet, for example, and some TLC from the therapist can do wonders for emotional trauma.

Eastern medicine believes there are energy channels/acupuncture meridians which allow Qi (life-force) to flow through the body.  Therefore, pressing these points with specific intent and at certain angles is believed to cause a balancing of Qi circulation in the body.

Tibetan Hand and Arm Massage can be applied very easily, it is a mix of massage, reflexology, lymphatic drainage and acupressure points, all of which Elaine is qualified in.

Some clients with low pain thresholds and painful hand may initially find the treatment a little painful, however Elaine will ensure that she takes extra time to warm the area up and applies the correct amount of pressure to suit each client individually, building up the pressure very gradually. After several treatments tolerance levels will increase.

Duration and Frequency of Treatments: Tibetan Hand and Arm Massage will last about 30 minutes.

It’s more effective to receive Tibetan Hand and Arm Massage on a regular basis rather than several treatments in a short period of time and then nothing for several months. It is not recommended to exceed one session per day, and one or two sessions a week should be sufficient for most.

Chair Massage

Chair massage is a style of seated massage that is typically short -- 10 to 30 minutes -- and focuses on your back, shoulders and neck and arms. Chair massage can be done over clothes and doesn't require any massage oil.

For chair massage, you are seated in a special chair with your face resting in a cradle, looking down towards the floor, with supports for your arms. Your back and neck completely relax while the therapist relieves muscle tension using Swedish massage moves like kneading and compression and tapotement.

Benefits of Chair Massage

•Boosts energy, alertness, and productivity

•Increases Circulation

•Reduces muscle tension and pain

•Helps prevent Repetitive-Stress Injuries

•Relaxes and rejuvenates

•Relieves emotional stress

                        Around the World Pamper Session

    1 1/2 hours of massage treatments from around the world:

                           Indian Head Massage

                             Thai Foot Massage

                         Tibetan Hand & Arm Massage

                     Eastern Acupressure Facial Massage

                                       (for 1 person)

      Towelling Robes; Slippers; Blankets & Refreshments provided

"Swedish massage" is simply known as "classic massage". And that is exactly what it is -- a classic treatment which represents the western standard for massage.  The five main techniques used in Swedish massage -- stroking and gliding; kneading; rubbing; tapping or pounding; vibration -- are probably what spring to mind when you think about a "typical" massage.

The various Swedish massage techniques are designed to improve your circulation, soothe your muscles and make you feel more relaxed.

Swedish massage uses softer strokes on the bonier and more delicate parts of the body, and stronger strokes where there is thicker muscle coverage. This adjustment of pressure makes it an ideal massage for relaxation.

Besides the calming benefits, Swedish massage is thought to be good for:

•easing muscular strain by flushing out toxins

•improving circulation by increasing oxygen flow in the blood

•helping to keep ligaments and tendons supple

•reducing emotional and physical stress.


Only a few therapists in the UK are trained to deliver this wonderful treatment.

The use of fairtrade-sourced, Moroccan black beldi soap and the genuine “hammam spa” kessa mitts for exfoliation will encourage the removal of dead skin cells which will aid new skin growth, thus leaving the skin feeling smoother and looking more bright and vibrant. The black olive paste is rich in oleic acid and vitamin E – and is a highly potent moisturiser. The use of the exclusive Face The World “Moroccan Rose” massage candle aims to connect the mind, body and soul allowing the client to feel more relaxed and at one with themselves. Gives a sense of well being and tranquillity. The natural soy wax melts at low temperature and also contains sweet almond oil, shea butter, Vitamin E and rose otto oil… bliss.

Other benefits include:

• Relieves Lower Back Pain

• Improves Circulation

• Relieves Tension from Upper Back

• Stimulates Lymphatic Drainage

• Releases “Feel Good” Chemicals

• Helps Remove Toxins

• Reduces Stiffness and Improves Flexibility

• Improves Sleep

• Helps the Healing Process

• Feels Good and Eases Stress


Hopi Ear candling works on both physical and psychological levels and is a cleansing programme for the whole body not just the ears.

Physical Benefits

•Stimulates and improves lymphatic drainage to the head and neck helping to eliminate waste material from the body.

•Improves blood flow to the head and neck, increasing distribution of oxygen and nutrients to nourish the tissues and encourage healing.

It has been known to be effective in:

•Alleviating headaches and migraines

•Improving symptoms of tinnitus

•Reducing symptoms of hay fever and rhinitis

•Relieving sinus congestion

•Easing and preventing glue ear in children

•Relieving pain/pressure when flying or scuba diving

•Relieving colds, flu, sore throats by clearing congestion in the ear and throat

•Improving hearing by softening and loosening ear wax

•Alleviating earache by reducing inflammation of the ear canal

•Helping problems with snoring by easing congestion of the upper respiratory airways

•Reducing the symptoms of meniere’s disease and vertigo

Psychological Benefits

•Revitalises the whole body

•Relaxes and soothes and so reduces stress and anxiety

•Rebalances energy flow to the body

•Helps clearer thinking by increasing alertness and concentration